How to make a driving car quiet?

  • alexytonyalexytony
    There are noisy voices of mobile phones everywhere in the car. I want to make the journey quieter. What should I do to ensure driving safety?
  • PerfectjammerPerfectjammer
    A gentle accountant, once considered a hero of our time, when a traveler started talking on a cell phone, he reached into the pocket of his jacket and took out a black electronic device with five antennas. Then there was no signal in the car. On the cell phone, this is the cell phone portable jammer we use. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, a so-called "task team" composed of police and federal agents set up a station at the meeting place in Nigel. They found him and plainclothes police dragged him onto the train. The police started chatting on his cell phone and watched Nicholas create a jammer.

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