What does the WiFi jammer?

  • FieldingBell
    Hello, everyone! I heard there's a device called a WiFi jammer. How does the device work? What is the main purpose?
  • PerfectjammerPerfectjammer
    WiFi jammer is one of the many types of signal jammers created to help people solve different problems coming from cell phones, radio signals and wireless connections. Every kind of signal jammer is designed to work with specific frequency range, and WiFi jammer is not an exception.
    Now WiFi and Bluetooth are frequently used in life, both the wireless network and the Internet need to use them. Although they are very useful, but government agencies or others may use them to steal your privacy. Such as tracking your location and steal your personal privacy through the camera on your phone. 
    Turn on the WIFI jammer device, you can completely cut off the wireless signal transmission. Can effectively prevent hackers through the wireless network invasion of your computer or smart device. You don't have to worry about your cyber security and your privacy.

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