How to prevent distraction while driving

  • PatienceKeith
    In the past decade, more than 30,000 Americans have been killed due to distracted driving by cell phone use while behind the wheel. These figures are staggering and yet the U.S. government refuses to do anything substantive to curtail the number of deaths on our nation's highways. My daughter recently got her driver's license, and I'm afraid she's like other young people who answer the phone and text while driving. It's very unsafe. What can be done to stop her from using her cell phone?
  • PerfectjammerPerfectjammer

    What you say is really a serious problem in American transportation. With the development of smart phones, people increasingly rely on mobile phones. Some drivers even use mobile phones when driving, which is very dangerous. You're probably ignoring a kid crossing a crossroads because you're on a date call. This is not responsible for life. However, there is now a cell phone jammer that keeps sending low-frequency signals when you're driving, preventing the signal from being used properly. This ensures that the driver will not be distracted while driving.

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